From the University Archives: the Vanport Extension Center, 1946-48
Bachelors' Club and Dances
"The [Bachelors'] club charter was granted on November 23, 1946 by the student council. This was the first club organized at Vanport Extension Center. It is dedicated to the advancement and encouragement of social activities within the school." From the 1946-47 Viking
"I was a member of the Bachelors' Club whose premise was to get an education and have a lot of fun along the way.
"The Bachelors' Club was the only club to sponsor a dance and fill the punch bowl with a little of the 180 proof grain neutral spirits... The fellow in the yearbook picture with the pinstripe suit kept the bowl filled."
"I met my wife at the Bachelors' Club dance and we were married in 1950." -- Vanport student and veteran Gerald Linderman